What is the pricing model for IPThreat?

The site and data are 100% free to re-use and re-mix. Please review and follow the license.

How can you do this for free?

It takes a ton of time, I try to optimize code and hardware. Please consider donating or at least turning off your ad blocker.

How do I donate?

You can send donations to my PayPal if desired.

How did this site start?

In 2011, I started IPBan to protect my own servers. This tool has been my inspiration for IPBan Pro and then ultimately this website and service.

Are submissions de-duplicated?

Yes, duplicate submissions may be consolidated to a single submission depending on application logic.

Do you provide an api or public data dumps?

Yes for both: api docs, data dump.

How is threat level calculated?

The number of recent submissions will raise the threat level for an ip. The threat level decays over time.

Where does the ip geolocation data come from?

This product includes GeoLite2 data created by MaxMind, available from https://www.maxmind.com.

Contact IPThreat