
IPThreat phishing lists are free to use, as long as you follow the License

Please use the compressed (.txt.gz) versions whenever possible. Plain text uncompressed version should only be used if you are unable to decompress gzip.

Phishing lists are updated on the hour (UTC time)

Phishing urls are currently aggregated into a single list. In the future, as more data is received, they will be broken up into threat levels like ip addresses.

Compressed list

Uncompressed list

Example download commands to create a phishinglist.txt file:

wget -qO- | gzip -cd > phishinglist.txt

Windows (Powershell)
wget -O phishinglist.txt.gz; & "c:/program files/7-zip/7z" x phishinglist.txt.gz phishinglist.txt > $null; rm list.txt.gz
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