
*Important* Never enter a phishing url into your browser.

Domain name:

Count: 1

Reported by
3 months ago
Kindly action as recommended below: 1. Disable the spamming email accounts if not in use. 2. Reset all email passwords and also the cPanel one 3. Download/remove all websites files scan them and then re upload if clean. 4. Check your website code for any scripts which might be sending emails without their awareness. 5. If using CMC templates, make sure that they are not free versions as the may have some backdoor malware. 6. Make sure their LAN networks is clean. 7. If using php mailer in their sites, make sure it is authenticated and that attackers are not using that to spam them (This includes scripts like contact us forms) 8. If emails are displayed in your website then change the format i.e may be instead of using @ they can use [at].
Phishing, Malware
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